Persatuan Penggiat Komik Malaysia (PeKomik)
Meet in Person with The Muslim Show Trio
@ Bangi Kopitiam, Batu Caves.
20 March 2014
With Association of PTS Publications Sdn Bhd and Malaysian Comic Activist Association (PeKOMIK)

Assalamu’aikum dan Salam Sejahtera
Seperti tertera di atas, Persatuan Penggiat Komik Malaysia atau PeKOMIK ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih ke atas jemputan oleh PTS Publications Sdn Bhd dalam sesi bertemu secara langsung trio The Muslim Show.
Dalam pertemuan tersebut, ahli-ahli PeKOMIK berpeluang berkenalan dengan Greg Blondin (Penciller/Inker) dan Karim Allam (Colorist), tanpa kehadiran Noredin Allam yang tidak dapat hadir kerana disebabkan masalah kesihatan.
Diharap dengan pertemuan malam itu akan dapat melebarkan dan mengukuhkan perjuangan komik di peringkat nasional sehingga antarabangsa.

Terima Kasih

“Berkhidmat Dalam Martabatkan Komik Malaysia”

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Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings
As mentioned above, Malaysia Comic Associations gratefully thanks to PTS Publications Sdn Bhd for the invitation and a great opportunity to meet a famous The Muslim Show trio.
In the special event, PeKOMIK members had a great opportunity to meet and greet with Greg Blondin (Penciller cum Inker) and Karim Allam (Colorist), and sadly without the presence of Noredin Allam as his was not in good condition to be in the event.
With the meeting, we hopfully it would bring and open a door to a new level for Malaysia comic industry.

Thank You

“Bringing the Malaysian Comic into the World”